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Boogeyman Pop: Directed and Written by Brad Elmore

Boogeyman Pop is an indie, feature film, directed and written by Brad Elmore, and produced by Chris Weitz. Scheduled for a release soon.


Brief Synopsis: ''Boogeyman Pop is a coming-of-age teen drama ensemble that examines adolescent life through a genre lens with a tinge of trash culture tropes.'' [Brad Elmore, Director].

In Boogeyman Pop, James Paxton plays a character called Tony. 

Sizzle Reel of Boogeyman Pop:

James Paxton talks about 'Boogeyman Pop', the 'new punk-horror epic' on KTLA in December:

James on KTLA - Boogeyman Pop

James on KTLA - Boogeyman Pop

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Screencaps of James Paxton in Boogeyman Pop as Tony in the Sizzle Reel: (Images via Brad Elmore)

HD stills of Tony (James Paxton) in Boogeyman Pop: Via Brad Elmore's (Twitter/IG), Alixvr (IG), eilello (IG), thisisjamespaxton (IG)

Behind The Scenes photos of the filming of Boogeyman Pop: Photos via BradMichaelElmore (IG), thisisjamespaxton (IG), eilello (IG), alixvr (IG). Video by GurlBrains (IG)

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